Aerial Insertion

Enhance your free fall operations

Deploying Personnel Where Others Can’t

At MMIST, we specialize in developing cutting-edge solutions tailored to the challenging needs of military, commercial and disaster relief operations. Our focus on innovation, reliability, and safety has made our products the trusted choice for aerial insertion missions around the globe.

Equip your team with the best – choose MMIST for unparalleled performance and peace of mind. Contact us today to learn how MMIST’s aerial insertion solutions can be part of your next mission’s success!

Reliable Aerial Insertion Technology

Aerial insertion missions come with a unique set of challenges:

  • Precision: Accurate release point planning, flight path planning and navigation under parachute along with precise drop zones are all crucial to minimize exposure to threats during insertions and avoid landing in hostile territory or unsuitable terrain.
  • Coordination: Seamless communication and coordination between air and ground forces are essential to ensure the success of the mission.
  • Environmental Factors: Weather conditions, wind speed, and visibility can significantly impact the safety and effectiveness of aerial insertions.
  • Security: Ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment during the descent and after landing is paramount, especially in hostile environments.

MMIST aerial insertion products are designed to address and overcome all these challenges, but more importantly they can come together as a full turn key system to achieve an end to end capability far greater than the sum of the parts

Superior Field Performance

At MMIST, we are dedicated to providing advanced solutions that enhance the effectiveness and safety of parachutist insertion missions. Our products have been in service and used in theater since 2003:

  • Skylink™ Parachutist Navigation and Situational Awareness System: Providing individual parachutists with precise real time navigation and altitude management feedback, along with geographic and wind situational awareness, real time reachable area visualization, and dynamic landing point selection.  Providing jump teams with optional interlinked data communication with anti-collision alerts and full team geolocation and status information.
  • LaunchPADS™ Multi Mission Manager: Streamlines mission planning and coordination, essential for complex and multi-faceted operations.
  • Drop Sondes Atmospheric Data Collection: Provides crucial atmospheric data, enhancing mission planning and improving deployment accuracy.
  • Sherpa™ provides an important capability to resupply or accompany an aerial insertion team on their missions.

With MMIST’s state-of-the-art technology and unwavering dedication to excellence, military forces and disaster relief personnel are empowered to carry out parachute insertion missions with exceptional accuracy and dependability.

Choose MMIST for our products, performance and excellent support..

Supports All Mission Types

At MMIST, we provide cutting-edge technology to support every type of mission, including High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) and High Altitude-High Opening (HAHO) Military Free Fall operations.

  • Skylink™ Parachutist Navigation and Situational Awareness System: Offers real-time GPS / GNSS tracking and situational awareness, providing jump teams full interlinked communications, anti-collision alerts and dynamic landing zone assignment (depending on radio package).  This increased situational awareness is crucial for high-altitude insertions and/or for long-distance travel under canopy, allowing jumpers to glide significant distances to reach their precise target insertion point undetected.
  • LaunchPADS™ Multi Mission Manager: Facilitates mission planning and coordination between parachutists and cargo, critical for multi-person, HALO and HAHO operations and helping to ensuring mission teams are dispatched from the correct drop locations.
  • Drop Sonde Atmospheric Data Collection: Provides critical atmospheric data used for jump planning and to ensure the safety and success of the mission.
  • Sherpa™ uses a programable HALO/HAHO drogue delay, coupled with a state-of-the-art guidance and navigation control (GNC) system achieves a high-level of landing accuracy. User selectable landing modes including “into the wind” or “specified approach direction”, enabling parachutists to land together with critical cargo and equipment removing the need to overload individual parachutists with cargo or equipment. When partnered with Skylink™ the Sherpa™ is a seamless part of the team and can lead the way, jump teams can also dynamically reassign Sherpa™ landing points or even take full remote control of a Sherpa™ while under canopy or from the ground if required.

Equip your forces with MMIST’s advanced solutions and ensure the success of your high-altitude insertion missions with unmatched precision and reliability. Choose MMIST for excellence in HALO and HAHO operations.

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